Made to Impact. Real, Sustainable, Collective Impact.
Jamie Linkowski is a Corporate Fiduciary who represents the employer, their business, and their people. He consults and advises clients to help them align their corporate goals and objectives with their employee benefit and compensation programs. Jamie uses his expertise in financial planning, investment, tax, insurance and Behavioral Finance to help employers construct a new or “next” modern benefit offering. He brings an unbiased fiduciary lens to the employer.
With over 30 years in the field, Jamie has seen it all and knows firsthand the industry nuances. He teaches employers how to optimize their benefits to deliver maximum impact through High Tech and High Touch. Every employer strives to thrive, which means their people need to survive and thrive too. Jamie takes both the employer and their employees from survival to impact.

Jamie’s Unique
Jamie takes a forward-thinking, data-driven approach to his work, providing both thought-leadership and years of expertise to every client. His progressive approach, unique partnering model, and genuine desire to help both employers and employees are strengths that allow him to foster meaningful partnerships that create long-lasting, measurable impact.
There is a paradigm shift occurring in the business world. Under the former school of thought, businesses prioritized the needs of their shareholders and profits first. Businesses now know that profit and purpose are the keys to sustainable success.
A new global conversation is emerging, placing stakeholders at the center of shareholder and business success. Leading businesses—from established Fortune 500’s to private, middle market companies and even entrepreneurial startups—are recognizing the need to invest in their greatest asset, their people, to ensure the viability of their company.
Jamie understands that there is a gap between traditional benefits and the true needs of every employee, rendering employees financially trapped, and moreover, financially strapped. This “blindspot” for employers has both short-term and long-term effects on the cash flow, income statement, and balance sheet of their business. Jamie’s “Up and Out” approach coupled with his “Down and In” fulfillment can help transform businesses overnight.

A thought-leader with unparalleled delivery.
For Jamie, the needs of employers and employees are not at odds; rather, employer and employee interests must align for successful business outcomes. With this in mind, Jamie advises businesses on how to invest in their people and the communities these people touch. In turn, employers improve income statements and balance sheets, increase long-term profitability, and foster healthy work environments.

Your Purpose Is
Your People
Having your peoples’ back.
By reconfiguring benefits systems as a whole and providing his knowledge and advice, Jamie helps employers save money and steers employees to personalize their benefits and financial situations.
Through experience and constant ideation, Jamie is well-positioned to
connect siloed benefit segments and help employers reimagine or
modernize benefits. Jamie fervently believes that everybody in the equation matters, and that employers can care for their people while still being
profitable and building resiliency & sustainability in their business.
A Data-Driven Ecosystem
In addition to being able to think beyond the present moment to innovate, Jamie is backed by a tremendous network of individuals with diverse-skill sets to help him implement and integrate his ideas.
His adaptive network includes data analysts, software engineers, financial
institutions, and thought leaders that contribute to transforming his clients’
organizations. Jamie has cobbled together these agile partners seamlessly into an actionable ecosystem with best practices, prescriptive solutions, and targeted interventions.
Together, they come up with unparalleled solutions for each of his clients. Jamie refers to this as the “So What Now What” for employers. The data
journey starts with their customized “single version of the truth” and in the end, Jamie abstracts away the complexities for the employer and the employees.

Blending cutting-edge digital tools to deliver profit and purpose
Jamie empowers companies to create lasting change by working within this collaborative ecosystem of coalition partners to solve higher order problems. Furthermore, Jamie uses cutting-edge technology to leverage smart-data that drives and measures strategic decision-making.