Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

To Each of our Advisory Clients:

Each year, Made To Impact is required to file the Form ADV with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).  This registration
document is updated annually and whenever material changes occur in our business and services.  As with each annual filing, we are offering you a copy of the public disclosure portion of Made To Impact’ “ADV Part II”.  We will be happy to send the document to you, or you may ask to see the ADV Part II at any time.

The Federal Trade Commission’s Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (the “Act”) and rules promulgated under the Act, such as the SEC’s Privacy Rule, require financial
institutions to notify clients of their policies and procedures designed to protect customer information prior to engagement and annually thereafter.  We at Made To Impact value your trust and confidence and carefully handle information we possess.  This information will generally include:

  •        Information provided from applications, forms and other information provided to us either verbally or in writing, and include but are not limited to your name, address, phone number, account information, social security number, employment, assets, income and debt;
  •        Information about your transactions, accounts, trading activity and parties to transactions;
  •        Information from other outside sources that may be provided to us by clients or their service providers;
  •        Any other information that is deemed to be nonpublic personal information as defined by the Act and the SEC’s Privacy Rule.

Please be assured that we do not share or offer for sale our clients’ nonpublic personal information with any other person or firm without your direction or as
required by law or any regulatory or self-regulatory body.  For example, you may ask us to release financial information to your personal accountant or to another financial services entity you have directed us, in writing or by application, to work with on your behalf.  Certain types of electronic communications are not
necessarily secure and these types of communications should not be sent with an expectation of privacy.  All electronic communications received are stored and may be subject to review by regulatory authorities.  Our internal procedure for handling your personal information remains unchanged.
Made To Impact restricts access to its records to only those persons who have a need to obtain information in order to deliver advisory or administrative services.  Your information you provide and advice we provide to you are confidential. Former clients receive the same security as current clients.  Files are
maintained for the time period required by regulators and then are safely destroyed.   If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy and procedures, please do not hesitate to contact us.  For residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; our privacy policies and procedures may not meet all of the standards set by the Massachusetts information security program (201CMR 17.00).

In January 2005, the SEC’s new Code of Ethics rule became effective.  As a result, SEC regulated Investment Advisers were required to establish written Codes of Ethics and offer these to current or prospective clients upon request.  You are welcome to request a copy of our Code.

This communication gives us another opportunity to express our appreciation for your continued business.  We are dedicated to providing you with personalized services and always want to know how you think we’re doing.   We would also welcome an opportunity to share information about our services with any person you may feel could benefit from knowing we are available to provide professional investment advisory, financial planning and consultation services.

We always look forward to hearing from you.  The value and usefulness of the asset management and planning services we provide are dependent upon
availability of current information and upon your active, ongoing participation.  Please do not hesitate to call on us if you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance.


Made To Impact